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Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Essence Kalinka Beauty Blush in 01 east side story: Swatches & Review

Essence Kalinka Beauty Blush in 01 east side story

Retails for $3.99CAN at Shopper and is a Limited edition blush.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Primary Pack: Lip Tar All-Star Mini x 5 Set: Swatches & Review

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Primary Pack: Lip Tar All-Star Mini x 5 Set 

Retails for $29US or $35CAN for the Mini x 5 Set. Each tube is 1/4 the size of a full permanent Matte Lip Tar so the price for the mini x4 is practically the size and price of one Lip Tar and the full size brush that it comes with. Your getting one shade free here.

Costume-Con 32: First time in Canada in over 19 years!

Welcome to Canada you Costume-Con participates!!! You haven't been up here since 1995 before I was even complying. ;)

This is also my first Costume-Con as well as I don't travel to the US that often. It will be running from April 25-28 which is this weekend and if your in the Toronto airport area tickets are still being sold at the door.

I will also be on 2 panels;

Makeup for Men • Haliburton Friday 5:00pm

Beads Baubles and Shinies • Spartan Sunday 1:00pm

Hope to see you there!

Friday, 11 April 2014

Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips All-in-1 Custom Nude Palette for Face & Eyes in Warm Nude: Swatches & Review

Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips All-in-1 Custom Nude Palette for Face & Eyes in Warm Nude
Retails at $16.795US and $19.99CAN. I did get this during a 30% sale though. ;) I haven't had much luck with the Shimmer Strips products in the past as there where ALL stiff in the pan bu this one looked like it had a softer texture.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Monday, 7 April 2014

Revlon Spider-Man an Sparks Fly Super Lustrous Lip Gloss: Swatches & Review


Revlon Spider-Man Sparks Fly Super Lustrous Lip Gloss
 Retails for $7.99CAN at Rexall this shade caught my eye and I'm a fan of Revlon lip glosses.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette: Dupes, Swatches, & Review

Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette
The Urban Decay Naked 3 palette retails for $54US or $64CAN for 0.05 oz x 12 worth of product. I was on the fence about buying this one because I only saw 3 shades I thought were unique. I did get this one in a swap however so I made up my mind about trying it out. ;)

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Illamasqua Skin Base Foundation in 01 & 03: Swatches & Review

Illamasqua Skin Base Foundation in 03 & 01
Illamasqua Skin Base Foundation in 01 & 03. Retails for $42US or $51CAN at Sephora but * ordered these from the Illamasqua site to get 03 shade at £27 as Sephora does not carry their two lightest shades 02 (fair pink) and 03 (fair yellow) and now they don't even carry the White 01 anymore. >__>