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Friday, 27 January 2017

Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipstick in Dolce, Crush, Kathryn, Carina, & Sad Girl ~ Part 2: Swatches & Review

Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipstick in Dolce, Crush, Kathryn, Carina, & Sad Girl. 
The Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipstick retail for $20US and $26CAN for 0.11 oz of product.

Part 1 is for shades is HERE.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Huda Beauty Liquid Matte Lipstick in Trophy Wife & Muse with Lip Contour Matte Pencil in Trophy Wife : Swatches & Review

Huda Beauty Lip Contour Matte Pencil in Trophy Wife and Liquid Matte Lipstick in Trophy Wife & Muse. 
The Huda Beauty Liquid Matte Lipstick retails for $20US and $26CAN for 0.17 oz/ 5 mL of product.

The Huda Beauty Lip Contour Matte Pencil retails for $19US and $25CAN.

This set I got for $30CAN contains to 2 half size Liquid Lipsticks and a full-size Lip Pencil.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Wet n Wild Mega Last® Lip Color Part 3 : Swatches & Review

902C Bare It All, 907B Mauve Outta Here, 908C Sugar Plum Fairy, 911D Stoplight Red, and 914D Mocha-licious.
915B Spiked With Rum, 916D Ravin' Raisin, 917B Cinnamon Spice, and 918B Cherry Bomb.
919B Vamp It Up, 965 Cherry Picking, 967 Dollhouse, and 34425 Urban Night (Limited Edition).
These Wet n Wild Mega Last® Lip Color retail for $1.99US or $3.99CAN at Zerhs for 3.3g / 0.11oz of product. You can see Part 1 and Part 2 of these shade in the links. 

These are the last of the shades except 913C Sand Storm since I'm REALLY not interested in brown lipstick. lol

Friday, 13 January 2017

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Sugarpill Pretty Poison lipsticks in Spank, Girl Crush, Nurse, & Detox Part 2 : Swatches & Review

Sugarpill Pretty Poison lipsticks in Spank, Girl Crush, Nurse, & Detox.
These Sugarpill Pretty Poison lipsticks retail for $20US for 3.2g / 0.11oz of product. So yeah I got the rest of the shades during a DollsKill sale. ;) Part 1 of shades is here.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

WARPAINT & Unicorns Makeup Favourites of 2016!

This year was a tough one to narrow down as I tried to review more products this years to date and delayed due to "REASONS"! But here is my run down of my favourites that I have posted a review on during the 2016 year.

I'm not going to stick to "categories" again as I did not really covered all the areas in beauty and this year I'm also sticking to permanent products or products you can still get a hold of formula wise. (But I slipped in a LE one...)