Wolfe FX Hydrocolor Makeup in Essential, Metallix, and Blacklight. |
These Hydrocolor makeup come in 4 sizes I have mostly the Appetizer 5g / .17 oz for $3US and $4CAN for the regular shades and $4US and $5CAN for the metallics.
But the retail prices run at Small 30g / 1 oz for 8US and $10.50CAN, Medium 45g / 1.5 oz for $11US and $14.50CAN, and Large 90g / 3 oz for $19US and $25 to $28 CAN.
The pre-made palette retail for $30US for the 12 pan (Appetizer) which comes to 2 thin paint brushes, I've got my 2 palettes from anywhere from $28CAN to $40CAN. $16US and $21CAN for the 6 Appetizer palette which comes with 1 thin paint brush. These are the best way to purchase the Appetizer pans if you're looking to have a number of shades in a smaller pan size.
The only overlap between these pre-packed palettes was the shade 019 Saddle Brown in the Essential 12 pan and the Skinz 6 pan palettes to keep aware of.
I grabbed all the original core shades they came out with except 085 Plum.
But Wolfe FX has recently added a colour expansion to their line in the Essential and Metallix shade range. I'm not sure when I'll get those as I buy my Hydrocolor Makeup through local Southern Ontario Vendors and it takes awhile for the to restock as it more of an "as needed" shipments to their stores. I really want a Large of Bone!