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Friday, 30 November 2012

Dare to Compare: Marcelle Essentials Gentle Make-Up Remover for Sensitive Eyes V.S. Lancome Bi-Facil


Marcelle Essentials Gentle Make-Up Remover for Sensitive Eyes & Lancome Bi-Facil

Lancome Bi-Facil seems to be the standard for most bloggers for removing your makeup and been interested in trying it out but honestly the $35 price point seem extreme for a product that only meant to remove makeup. I got this half size with Lancome annually mascara and remover sets that comes out in the spring to do this compare with my HG remover Marcelle Essentials Gentle Make-Up Remover for Sensitive Eye. (Note that the name is humongous descriptor!)

Lets start with the ingredients in both

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

IMATS TORONTO 2012 Recap and Haul

Me and Van Derful
A little late on the recap but here it is! I didn't stay as long as previous years but I've been lucking in not needing to wake up at 5:30AM to get ready for the first Greyhound Bus to Toronto either. lol Also dress comfortable as I new it was going to be warm in the show space.

I met Van coming off of the greyhound bus, as she look like someone that would be going to IMATS wearing fake lashes that early in the morning. We took the TTC from Union to Kipling Station and took one more bus up to Dixon road. It was my first time taking the Kipling route and Van first time taking the subway.

We arrive at the Toronto Congress Centre at 10:20AM and managed to bump into upon entering...

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

OFRA 3D Loose Powder in Golden Sparkle: Swatches & Review

OFRA 3D Loose Powder in Golden Sparkle
Retails at $19.90 for 0.14oz fl  4gr of product this line of 4 duo chrome pigments have a discernible colour shift.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

bareMinerals READY™ Eyeshadow 8.0 The Playlist & The Cocktail Hour

The Playlist
The Cocktail Hour
I wasn't going to review these are they where supose to be LE but the bareMinerals READY™ Eyeshadow 8.0 in The Playlist is still available at Sehropa (will restock) and Yo can take advantage of their 20% off sales this weekend at for it. each palette contains 8 x 0.035 oz of eeyeshadow each that retail for $40US and $50CAN. Ther are also 3 new 8 palette launch this holiday season in the US.

This is also a review on their eyeshadows formula in general.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Depotting/Repotting MAC Extra Dimension Eyeshadows

Busted eyeshadow in A Natural Flirt
My Extra Dimension Eyeshadows came loose when shipped to me. So here how i set about fixing this lovely eyeshadow.

What you need:
Rubbing Alcohol
(prefer 99% or 91% as the high value mean your putting lease water into the pan.)
A new 26mm pan
(this one is magnetic natural bit if not you can ad a magnet or metal plate to it latter for a free style palette)
something to mix with (I use a makeup spatula)

Thursday, 1 November 2012

MAC Holiday Divine Desire & Glamour Daze: Swatches & Review

MAC Holiday Divine Desire Paramour Pink Kit, Quite Coral & Glamour Daze A Natural Flirt 

MAC Holiday items finally arrived for me. There was some delays due to weather. ;) I order in the Divine Desire Paramour Pink Kit, Quite Coral kit $70US / $85CAN each & Glamour Daze Extra Dimension Eyeshadow in A Natural Flirt $19.50US / $22.50CAN.

All the products are full sized in the Divine Desire Kits except the blush which is the size of a Pro Longwear Eyeshadow.

This is the most I've bought from a Holiday collection since Royal Assets 2007. 

I've review MAC Extra Dimension Skinfinish in Whisper of Guilty and Superb when they where first release but is also being re-promoted again as part of the Glamour Daze collection.

I apologies for not getting daylight photo's but it' been raining/overcast for over a week now in my area.