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Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balms in Unapologetic & Audacious and Lacquer Balm in Vivacious: Swatches & Review


Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balms in Unapologetic & Audacious and Lacquer Balm in Vivacious
The newest shades and formula in the chubby lipstick line from Revlon. I picked these up from Zerhs for $8.99CAN each which it the cheapest I've found them in Ontario.
Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balms in Unapologetic & Audacious and Lacquer Balm in Vivacious
Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balms in Unapologetic & Audacious and Lacquer Balm in Vivacious
The Matte Balms This formula glides on beautifully onto the lip. I noticed the tiny bit of texture to these but the formula is emollient enough that it doesn't clump up on the lips. The peppermint oil burning I experienced with the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain as a bit less with this formula.

The Lacquer Balm formula is a much more colour rich formula compared to the Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain but the amount of staining power was the same once it started to wear off. The finish is just as glossy and this shade was very colour rich without shimmer. The peppermint oil burning I experienced with the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain was the same with this formula and lasted 30 minutes.

Unapologetic is a vivid rich warm pink that leans slight deep coral.

Audacious is a bright red based orange that wasn't comply opaque on the lip which give it a slight pink undertone.

Vivacious is a semi opaque bright berry pink.

Wear: the Matte Balms lasted 4 hours before the started to slightly fade. They both left a stain on the lips though after the product worn down. The Lacquer Balm last 3 hours on the lips but left a visible stain as well. 

Packaging: Twist up crayon with no need to sharpen because these are chubby size it's best to take care while applying.

Daylight swatches: Unapologetic, Audacious and Vivacious
Flash swatches: Unapologetic, Audacious and Vivacious

I want to like these but the tingling sensation is not really that pleasant to me to keep on using these but I went in to know this before I chose to review these. I know it doesn't bother most people. But there are great drugstore shades and a really nice formula and a nice choice of both vivid and natural shades I say give them a go if your not sensitive to high Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil content. It's actually their first ingredient in the formula. ;)

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