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Tuesday, 27 January 2015

IMATS TORONTO 2014 Recap and Haul (w/ CRC Makeup )

IMATS Toronto 2014 Battle of the Brushes
Better late then never, I decided to do a Video Haul this year. Because A) I finally got a new camera and B) I need the practise and I want to start doing makeup and character tutorials.

Bellow are my video haul broken up into 2 smaller videos and photo's from the show.

Here are the haul videos.

Parts 1

Part 2

Here are the IMATS photos.

 Thomas E. Surprenant at work!

Blur Makeup Room Werewolf work.

 Make Up For Ever bodypaint.

Heidi D. Cosmetics
Kett Cosmetics booth
BARNEY BURMAN and his mini me head.

First Place Winner 
Second Place Winner 
Third Place Winner

The basic wig an egg from Kinton Ramen.
Flame on!
What I wore that day.

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