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Sunday, 8 April 2012

MAC in Extra Dimension Mini Haul


MAC Extra Dimension Skinfinish(Hilighter) in Whisper of Guilty, Superb and Extra Dimension Eyeshadow in Sweet Heat.
Estee Lauder came out with the formulation first but MAC over 6 months later puts out a similar and much more cheaper version. It's no surprising considering that mac is owned but Estee Lauder (along with Bobbie Brown). Skinfinishes are $34 CAN and the eyeshadows are $24CAN. You also get more product per pan.

MAC Extra Dimension Skinfinish(Hilighter) in Whisper of Guilty, and Superb

Product: Out of the two products Extra Dimension Skinfinish has the nicest effect to highlight and contour to any shape you place it on. It's a unique finish in that regard, as even when applied sheer the metallic pigments add this dewy nature to the skin. It's not for everyone but this finish is what I wanted to see in a Mineralize Skinfinish but  found the product only left big shimmer on the skin. They are almost buttery in their formulation.

The Extra Dimention eyeshadow are identically to their Estee Lauder Cyber Metallic formula in terms of finish and wear. High shine but very dewy finish that gives dimension to the shape it's on. Not a buttery formula but one you can use wet or dry.

Colour: The Skinfinishes only come in three shades with Glorify be a bronze shade suitable for darker skin tones. I got Whisper of Guilt and Superb as the are most flattering on fair to medium skin tones.

The shades found in the Extra Dimension eyeshadows are fairly basic and universal probably to see how well the formula will be received.

Wear: 8 Hour wear so far without fading, I have not had a change to wear the Skinfinishes on there own for longer. Sweet Heat shadow I wore on my lids without a primer and did fade to nothing after 6 hours. I do have oily lids. so unless a product has long wear properties they just won't last on there own.

Packaging: I love MAC's packing, simple and sturdy. ;)

Compare: I have not tried Estee Llauder Pure Color Illuminating Powder Gelée product simply because all the shades I would have tried would have been too dark/bronze on me. Superb is an apparent colour dupe for the first one in Modern Mercury. I can say the the Gelée Eyesghadows are aa dupe in formula to the MAC Extra Dimension Eyeshdows in finish and application.

Swatches Flash: Whisper of Guilty and Superb
Swatches Flash: Whisper of Guilty and Superb blended out
Swatches Daylight and Flash: Estee Lauder Bronze Sands shade 2, shade 3,Whisper of Guilty, Superb, and Sweet Heat

 I love them in particular the Skinfinishes, but again is not for everyone. The eyeshdaows how every would be a good place to start in testing them out for yourself.