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Thursday, 12 July 2012

Dare to Compare: Pressed Powder


MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Light & Physicians Formula Mineral Wear® Talc-Free Mineral Airbrushing Pressed Powder SPF 30 in Translucent
I find that a number for companies actually do have pale face powder options in their line but their foundations are lacking in this department. Two are again MAC and Physicians Formula are squaring off as I found the finish to me similar.

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Light & Physicians Formula Mineral Wear® Talc-Free Mineral Airbrushing Pressed Powder SPF 30 in Translucent

Products & Colour: 

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Light
The palest of the pale shade in fact it blends in to much skin so much that I'm hard pressed to identify were is is on my skin. On a random note this is the only MAC face product that matches me. I buff this normally over moisturised skin of use a little FIX+ to melt it into my skin. The slip is smooth when apply it as is by my skin is slightly dry.

Physicians Formula Mineral Wear® Talc-Free Mineral Airbrushing Pressed Powder SPF 30 in Translucent
The shade is closer to MAC Light Plus but still a tad lighter. 
Despite this being Talc free and this is the first ingredient in the Mineralize Skinfinish Natural the finish and texture is similar but the MAC on is just a tad smoother. 

Because these are sheer I don't notice if and when these fade one me for either one.

They are really similar it's just that the Physicians Formula is bulkier due to the added mirror and brush compartment. 

All these product cost around the $21 CAN however you can find sales on Physicians Formula products and which makes it a more affordable purchase.

Daylight swatch bare skin: MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Light & Physicians Formula Mineral Wear® Talc-Free Mineral Airbrushing Pressed Powder SPF 30 in Translucent

Flash swatch bare skin: MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Light & Physicians Formula Mineral Wear® Talc-Free Mineral Airbrushing Pressed Powder SPF 30 in Translucent

For me For me they both preform equally the same but I have to go with MAC Light simple because it's closer to my skin tone.

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