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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

HELLO KITTY Tokyo Pop Collection Brush Cup & Wide Tooth Comb: Review

HELLO KITTY Tokyo Pop Collection Brush Cup & Wide Tooth Comb
Ok the one thing that the Hello Kitty line at Sephora does well is swag! Personally I have a thing for Black Hello Kitty beauty tools which start with the MAC Hello Kitty Collection of 2009.  I don't haul full collections but I did with that MAC one when it came to swag. *_*

The Brush Cup Retails for $24US & $29CAN and the Wide Tooth Come is $12US & $14CAN. But both are on clearance sale right now which is what usually happens with these LE collections. ;)

Clear box with Tokyo style hi-rise signage.
Back label

 Hello Kitty Wide Tooth Comb front.
 Hello Kitty Wide Tooth Comb back.
The comb is HUGE! It's not the style of tide tooth comb I'm use to using for my hair (bigger teeth more like finger size), but it's width enough to real work through ones hair. I found the cupping your finger over the rubber surfaced neon red/pink bow give the best grip. The art is a plastic layer formed over a base comb which may or ma not flack is  exposed to water for long periods of time.

The brush cup however because Sanrio holds the moulds is based on the original brush cup from MAC 2009.
Hello Kitty brush cup from Sephora & MAC
Hello Kitty brush cup from Sephora & MAC
Hello Kitty brush cup from Sephora & MAC  (bow shape into cup)
These are the exact same kitty cup with a modified box and back labelling was changed. Both cups comp with a bottom grip flocked sticker (the MAC one is nicer). But the Sephora one has flocked sticker lining the inside of the cup. I personally prefer if it was just exposed plastic as it's easier to clean out just in case something spill or gets dusty.

Also the MAC cup was as dark of a black as the Sephora on in terms of plastic.

I prefer to used these cups for eye pencils and lip tars rather then short handle brushes. ;)

Hello Kitty brush cup from Sephora fill with Eye pencils

There is nothing revolutionary about these but if you like to have nice looking beauty tools then these will be up you alley!!!

FTC: This post contains an affiliate link.

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