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Thursday 20 February 2014

MAC Pro Longwear Concealer in NC15: Swatches & Review

MAC Pro Longwear Concealer in NC15
I bought this when it first lunch about two years ago and it just didn't have the coverage I like in a concealer (I want full mask like coverage to work with). But I decided to give Pro Longwear Concealer in NC15 another go. Retails for $18US or $22CAN for 9ml/0.3 fl oz
MAC Pro Longwear Concealer in NC15 back
MAC Pro Longwear Concealer ingredients

Product & Compare: This is MAC's silicone base concealer but the trick with this is that it has fuller coverage then the MAC Pro Longwear Foundation but the formula is practically the same. The concealer is just denser in pigment. ;)

Now the reason I'm mentioning the formula is that FACEatelier ultra foundation has about the same coverage as the MAC Pro Longwear Concealer. Not full coverage but build able. The FACEatelier ultra foundation I did find slightly more dewy on the skin.

Illamasqua Skin Base (review soon) I've been using the past 2 years as it's also a silicone base foundation and has a stronger coverage compared to the FACEatelier ultra foundation MAC Pro Longwear Concealer for comparison.

So price wise the concealer per volume of product is about the same as the FACEatelier ultra foundation in the pro size but you do get double the product with the FACEatelier ultra foundation pro under normal retail prices. ;)

Colour: Pro Longwear Concealer in NC15 is actually 2-3 shades lighter then the MAC Pro Longwear Foundation in NC15 for some reason. >_< But this might work as a highlighter for some people if this is the case cross the board when comparing the two products in the same shade.

Wear: I could still see this one it's own after 16 hours wear with minimal fading. ;)

Packaging: Glass jar with a pump top. The pump is trick to not pump out to much product.

Daylight swatches: drop and blended out. left image is of the product wiped off my mole.
Flash swatches: drop and blended out. left image is of the product wiped off my mole.
Concealer blended on my dark circles is on the right side of my face and on the left side is bare skin.

It's  very nice concealer that doesn't move throughout the day but can also be used as foundation for those that don't really need a lot of product for a year. Something you might want to use on special occasions or my fellow cosplayers! ;)

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