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Wednesday, 11 June 2014

CoverGirl Colorlicious Lipglosses finally in Canada; Whipped Berry, Fruitylicious, and Sweet Strawberry : Swatches & Review


CoverGirl Colorlicious Lipglosses finally in Canada; Whipped Berry, Fruitylicious, and Sweet Strawberry
Retails from $12.99 to $10.99 In Canada depending on which chain you spot them in. The problem is their are limited edition AND none of the shades has colour labels or numbers on them. >_< There are 10 shades brought to Canada.

I picked the only 3 pigmented looking from the 10 shades offered in Canada.

Product: These a sheer but not to tacky lip gloss formula. It actually has a comfortable slip on the lips. The darker shade also don't stain the lips.

Whipped Berry is a sheer warm pink

Fruitylicious is a micro shimmer magenta

Sweet Strawberry is a micro shimmer tomato red

Wear: 2-3 hours wear total before reapplying. But Whipped Berry has under the 2 hour mark wear time.

Packaging: Simple long plastic tube with a doe foot applicator. 

Whipped Berry, Fruitylicious, and Sweet Strawberry
Whipped Berry, Fruitylicious, and Sweet Strawberry
Whipped Berry, Fruitylicious, and Sweet Strawberry
Whipped Berry, Fruitylicious, and Sweet Strawberry

Compare: I was looking for a replacement shade to my Milani HAUTE FLASH Full Coverage Lip Gloss in 106 Quick Flash, 102 Flashy, and 101 Hot Flash when picking these CoverGirl ones up. (the were going funky)

Whipped Berry on the skin look like it got some pigment but sheer out incredibly to not hardly any  pigmentation, 106 Quick Flash pink base disappears as well but your left with the gold shimmer.

Fruitylicious is a micro shimmer and the most pigmented out of all of them (also the only tester on the display), 102 Flashy is just a larger shimmer version that lens slightly more blue based.

Sweet Strawberry is a tomato micro shimmer compared to 101 Hot Flash rudy red Larger Shimmer shade.

Whipped Berry 
Sweet Strawberry

I like there as a general lipgloss formula but I go to say it seem that the Canadian one as slightly sheerer then the US batches I've seen online from US bloggers. >_<

So just be aware your not getting the same colour payout in Canada when buying these, but I still like these two Fruitylicious, and Sweet Strawberry for the colour they are. ;) Skip Whipped Berry!

I think if you want to go with this formula stick with the shade that have the Micro shimmer in them as they do apply nicely and they will show up on you lips.

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