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Thursday, 28 February 2013

Joe Fresh Premium Blending Sponge: Review

Joe Fresh Premium Blending Sponge Wet
The brand Joe Fresh is a Canadian exclusive to Loblaws stores here in Canada. Retails for $10 even this is a local solution for those that want to try a beauty blending sponge out with out having to pay shipping on it.

Joe Fresh Premium Blending Sponge
Joe Fresh Premium Blending Sponge Dry
Joe Fresh Premium Blending Sponge Wet in hand

Foam round egg like sponge the doubles in volume when wet. It distribute your product/foundation evenly.

Use: It distributes your product/foundation evenly. I use a bouncing action.

You can see the rest of the reviews on the other Beauty Blenders here.

Size wise it just a touch larger then the original Beauty Blender width wise. Texture wise it's a bit closer to the Beauty Blender int he  type of foam but again these all preform the same.

Verdict: Great way to try this application technique out!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes i got mine are a large zerhs that has cosmetics, Real Canadian SuperStore should also have them.
