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Thursday, 21 February 2013

The Masters Artist's Hand Soap: Review

The Masters Artist's Hand Soap wrapper.
The Masters Artist's Hand Soap bar
Retails for 4.59US / $6.99CAN for a 4.5 oz (127 g) bar. I buy this at my local Art store.

The line also makes an The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver 1 oz List $4.89US Studio Cake 2-5/8 oz $8.29US. This a smooth soap that coming in a pot that you swirled scrub your damp brush into to make paste.

This one work great for cleaning as well but I like this soap bar more for makeup brushes as it has micro pumas as well for deep cleaning as i like to really buff the brushes into the bar then work the soap in more to my hand to get a good deep clean.

The catch is that since the soap is a grey green  you have to watch for this tint in the soap suds to make sure you brush is completely clean.

That sad is the only clean that seem to remove Lip Tar stains from my brush (and Lip Tars they stain anything!). This one is also formulated for the skin unlike the potted brush cleaner.

How long it last. if you was you brushes once a week about 2 years to get through this bar. ;)

Also original I used this to clean acrylic and enamel paints off my hands as well. The intended purpose of this product.

I'd love to be proven wrong but nothing I've tried cleans my brushes the way this does. The one I showing is my new third bar.

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