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Thursday, 4 December 2014

Annabelle Twist Up Retractable Lipstick Crayon in Heartbreaker, Rock & Rose, and Eyeshadow Crayon in Turquoise : Swatches & Review

Annabelle Twist Up Retractable Lipstick Crayon in Heartbreaker, Rock & Rose, and Eyeshadow Crayon in Turquoise
These Twits Up line retail for $9.99CAN to $11.99CAN each for these Holiday Shades. They have 2 more lipstick shade and one more lilac eye pencil to offer.

Annabelle Twist Up Retractable Lipstick Crayon in Heartbreaker, Rock & Rose, and Eyeshadow Crayon in Turquoise
Product: Both the lipstick are creamy but semi sheer formula that allow the silver/white micro shimmer to show through the product on the like. Frosty is the finish I could best describe. Both shades do settle into fine lip lines.

The eye pencil has a similar finish to the original shades but with a more noticeable shimmer to this one. Once set it's budget proof and need an oil based makeup remover to break them down.

Heartbreaker is a berry red with white shimmer.
Rock & Rose is a light sheer warm pink with white shimmer.

Turquoise is a light airy sea blue with white shimmer.

The lipstick about 3-5 hours because of the emollient formula.

I only see a bit of fading colour at the 16th hours for the new eyeshadow pencil

Packaging: twist up plastic tube.

Compare: I was reminds of the Kat Von D foiled Love lipstick line when looking at the shades in they tube but both shades use silver/white micro shimmer rather then true shimmer Mica as seen in the Adora shade.

Daylight swatches: Adora (Kat Von D), Heartbreaker, Rock & Rose, and Eyeshadow Crayon in Turquoise
Flash swatches: Adora (Kat Von D), Heartbreaker, Rock & Rose, and Eyeshadow Crayon in Turquoise 
Rock & Rose

As much as I like the finish of the lipsticks they need a lips pencil as a base to get the most out of that frost finish. The eyeshadow crayon can work on it's own. ;)

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