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Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Quo Set of 3 Mini Blending Sponges : Review

Quo Set of 3 Mini Blending Sponges Latex free

I was able to try out Beauty Blender in person but the size was little too small for me. So seeing this set a 3 at Shoppers drug mart for $10 I though I'd give it a shot.
Dry and Wet.
Wet - Mini Blending Sponge and Generic gord shaped Blending Sponge.
Made in China

The first thing I notice is how fluff these sponges fell both dry and wet. The actuall feel closer to a Beauty Blender in texture but not a velvety when compared to my older Blening sponges. I think they have recalibrated the latex with the china manufactures.

The size of these mini sponges is double the volume of the Beauty Blender but 1/2 the size of the Beauty Blender.

Use: dose and excellent job of getting into corner with the tip but the end and side are still big enough to give a flawless finish to the skin.

Verdict: I really like the shape/size! in fact I can get away with also doing my whole face as well with these. I'm not sure if they where a limited run or not but since they are made in China you might be finding them also on ebay. ;)

FTC: This pot contains an affilate link.

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