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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Dare to Compare: Shu Uemura V.S. Shiseido eyelash curler

Dare to Compare: Shu Uemura V.S. Shiseido eyelash curler
Retailing for $24CAN for the Shu Uemura curler and $20CAN for Shiseido curler.

Shiseido V.S. Shu Uemura eyelash curler
Shiseido V.S. Shu Uemura eyelash curler
Shiseido V.S. Shu Uemura eyelash curler
Shiseido V.S. Shu Uemura eyelash curler
These two lash curlers are very similar in structure. Both have the same handle loops and joint structure. Both have the same suspension bars and similar size of curling plates. And both have a flare out upper lip on the top plate.

But here are the differences. Shiseido's have a spring so that you can relax the curler without having to manually open it up, where as Shu Uemura's eyelash curler you have to open more manually. This makes pumping the Shiseido curler easier when you step crimp your lashes.

Another deference is that Shiseido plates are more curved then Shu Uemura's eyelash curler.

I found that the Shiseido eyelash curler hugged my lash line more then the Shu Uemura. Both are really nice curlers but at the end of the day the curve of the Shiseido just works better for my eye shape over all so it's my pick. ;)

FTC: This post contains an affiliate link.

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