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Thursday, 5 November 2015

Annabelle Smokey Nudes Palette : Swatches & Review

Annabelle Smokey Nudes Palette
The Annabelle Smokey Nudes Palette retails for $15.99CAN for 0.32 oz worth of product.

Annabelle Smokey Nudes Palette ingredients
Annabelle Smokey Nudes Palette
Products: Most of these shadows are sheer sadly. The finish range from a satin to a pearl in texture. The shades so build up nicer on top of a base making this still a workable palette but the wear need that primer or base.

Colour (based on rows and not the back label):
Shade 1 is a a pale nude pink with a satin finish.
Shade 2 is a is a light beige nude with a pearl finish.
Shade 3 is a sandy taupe with a pearl finish.
Shade 4 is a slate brown with a pearl finish.
Shade 5 is a charcoal black, this shade was patchy.
Shade 6 is a true white with a pearl finish.
Shade 7 is a light yellow gold with a pearl finish.
Shade 8 is a pale gold with a pearl finish.
Shade 9 is a warm brown with a pearl finish and gold shimmer.
Shade 10 is a deep cool brown with a satin finish.

Wear: They last 2-4 hours on their own.

Packaging: Simple plastic compact with a clear lid.

Daylight swatches: Shade 1, Shade 2, Shade 3, Shade 4, & Shade 5.
Flash swatches: Shade 1, Shade 2, Shade 3, Shade 4, & Shade 5.
Daylight swatches: Shade 6, Shade 7, Shade 8, Shade 9, & Shade 10.
Flash swatches: Shade 6, Shade 7, Shade 8, Shade 9, & Shade 10.
Verdict:It's still a workable palette but is suffers from lack of pigmentation is really disappointing because they make excellent single shade shadows in their line.

Still a much more workable compare to the Maybelline - The Nudes, I still cringe.

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