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Friday, 2 November 2012

Depotting/Repotting MAC Extra Dimension Eyeshadows

Busted eyeshadow in A Natural Flirt
My Extra Dimension Eyeshadows came loose when shipped to me. So here how i set about fixing this lovely eyeshadow.

What you need:
Rubbing Alcohol
(prefer 99% or 91% as the high value mean your putting lease water into the pan.)
A new 26mm pan
(this one is magnetic natural bit if not you can ad a magnet or metal plate to it latter for a free style palette)
something to mix with (I use a makeup spatula)

Step 1 Clean your surface and tools.
I just used the rubbing alcohol for this to clean the new pan and spatula.

Step 2 Start to scrap your product.
My spatula have a pointed end I used to scrape the product off the plastic waffle frame and the original pot into the new pan. Be careful to not pick up any of the rubber glue they use to glue the pan down into the original pot. This loose product will become out "glue" for pressing.
plastic waffle frame removed and scrapped of product
Original pots crapped of product into new pan

Step 3 Mix you loose product.
I've done mineral eyeshadow/pigment pressing in the past but in this case we are just using the rubbing alcohol to "re-mud" the product as the binders are already in the formula. You want a texture of wet sand once you start to mix the product and chop up and larger chunks. If it's too wet use a paper towel to soak up some of the moisture.

A few drops of Rubbing Alcohol 
Loose product mashed up with Rubbing Alcohol

Step 4 Press the eyeshadow back in to the new pan.
When repressing normally you want to add a lot more pressure to an eyeshadow. In this case I wanted to keep the design so I gently place the eyeshadow into the pan and pressed lightly to compress the sand in the bottom to form around the waffle pattern on the underside of the eyeshadow.

pressed in firm but gently
Your finished pan after it dries will not feel cool to the touch on the underside.
I used the box name label to give the pan a name.

This is not a pan I would take for travel however. If you want this be travel friendly again I recommend putting more pressure into the pressing or completely chop up the eyeshadow and  repress the whole thing into a flat pan again. You can also use any binder you might have one hand to thicken the sand for pressing the eyeshadow puck as well.

Now you can Back 2 MAC this pot.
Back 2 MAC
 My eyeshadows new home.


  1. It was really cool to see how these look like depotted, I hadn't seen it before. x

  2. It is isn't it. ;) Wish it didn't happen this way as the plastic frame keep the product in check. lol
