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Wednesday, 14 November 2012

OFRA 3D Loose Powder in Golden Sparkle: Swatches & Review

OFRA 3D Loose Powder in Golden Sparkle
Retails at $19.90 for 0.14oz fl  4gr of product this line of 4 duo chrome pigments have a discernible colour shift.

OFRA 3D Loose Powder box

Product: Pure pigment loose shadow with no discernible base product for adhesion unlike MAC and Inglot Pigments.

Colour: The shade is a copper orange to rose red colour shift.

Wear: 8 hours wear when applied wet with just water.

Packaging: Standard sifter jar with with a cover that turns in the sifter.

Daylight swatches: Golden Sparkle dry and wet
Flash Swatches: Golden Sparkle dry and wet
Daylight swatch: Golden Sparkle
Flash swatch: Golden Sparkle

If you love duchromes in general you're getting a whopping amount of pigment for $19. I like to pick up their other shades but need to contact them on not using UPS shipping first.


  1.  It is although I was not the colour I was expecting from the description on  the site. lol
