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Thursday, 9 October 2014

Dare to Compare: Urban Decay Grind House V.S. SEPHORA COLLECTION Look Sharp Pencil Sharpener

Urban Decay Grind House V.S. SEPHORA COLLECTION Look Sharp Pencil Sharpener
The Urban Decay Grind House retails for $10US or $12CAN and the SEPHORA COLLECTION Look Sharp Pencil Sharpener retails for $6US or $7.50CAN.

Honestly these looks so similar I though they might be from the same manufacture.

Urban Decay Grind House & Sephora Look Sharp Pencil Sharpener 
Sephora Look Sharp Pencil Sharpener size adaptor
Sephora Look Sharp Pencil Sharpener size adaptor
Urban Decay Grind House & Sephora Look Sharp Pencil Sharpener
Urban Decay Grind House and Sephora Look Sharp Pencil Sharpeners are actually made by the same German and China manufactures. The parts are identical for both with a pop out bottom and top, cleaning pick, and same blades.

Just that the Sephora one has a 2mm adaptor for slightly smaller larger pencils. 

Both work beautifully at sharpening wood and resin/wood pencils.


Both really, but Sephora's is cheaper to buy if you not getting one with a eyeliner set from Urban Decay. ;)

Also interesting to not that the Urban Decay Grind House retails for $16US before they switched to this new design. ;)

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