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Thursday, 2 October 2014

IT Cosmetics Tightline Waterproof Full Lash Length Black Primer: Swatches & Review

IT Cosmetics Tightline Waterproof Full Lash Length Black Primer
Retails for $24US or $24CAN for 0.28 fl oz (8.0g) at The Shopping Channel in Canada exclusively. This is surprising my first Mascara review on my blog!

IT Cosmetics Tightline brush

Box ingredient and instructions
More visual instructions.
Product & Colour:
Tightline Waterproof Full Lash Length Black Primer is a jet black mascara. The formula is a touch ticker then then non waterproof regular version that I tied out. My Mom is an avid user of the regular formula but I prefer waterproof Mascara so I'm using and reviewing this one. 

This product has two functions. As a primer it helps to get right at the lash line to create a tight line effect at the roots. As a primer I recommend only using one coat and stopping short at the tips, then use you regular maraca over this. This will giver you layers a nicer finish then doing the full lash with a feather tip.

As a mascara which is the way I use it I stop as two coats. I found that 3 coats would cause fall out which it never pretty but 2 coats gets the coverage I'm looking for. 

Because my lash are soo fine I hate normal maracas brush as it clumps those fine hairs together to form spike which I never find flattering and have to break out a lash comb or my Maraca Fan brushes to break them up before the product dries. The brush dose that combing for me and it gets my baby lower lashes as well. 

What the brush and formula dose is really get all the fine short hair in your lashes. 
My mother loves the regular formula as her lash are becoming more short as she gets older. She literally screamed with excite the first time she used it, "Look, I have have lashes again!"

All day really. ;) I did experience some minor fall out on the lower lash line when I use it on my lashes there.

Packaging: Micro mascara wand and a small pot (more like an liquid eyeliner). But because the brush is so tiny you end up wasting about 80% less of the product as well compare to regular mascaras. ;)

Bare lashes (super Blonde and fine)
Top lashes 2 coats. Bottom lashes 2 coat. No curler was used.

This is definitely an higher end mascara but it preforms a fairly unique function in the market. If you like me and have fine blond lashes and all you want it some definition and colour you should check this one out. Or your lashes are getting shorter with age and you need something to get right down to the roots.

QVC and The Shopping Channel do sell these in two packs for around $28CAN so if you interested in the formula that breaks down to $14 each.

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