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Monday, 3 October 2016

Urban Decay Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin : Swatches & Review

Urban Decay Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin
The Urban Decay Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighters retails for $26US and $32CAN for 6.8g / 0.23oz of product.

Urban Decay Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin Box art and ingredients. 
Urban Decay Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin, sides of box art.
Urban Decay Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin compact
Urban Decay Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin.
Product & Colour: 
The Urban Decay Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin is a pale champagne gold with a shimmer finish. The texture is buttery with strong shimmer finish when applied to the skin. This formula also does a nice job of applying evenly but you can still defuse the shades on the skin without going patchy and stop it from looking too frosty.

Wear: On the cheeks, it lasts 10 hours before noticing any fading but the colour is still there after 16 hours.


The compact is steel grey with a lactic plate on the inside of the UD window to show the colour a bit and a match label shade on the back. This has a nice magnetic closure.

Daylight & Flash swatches: Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin, applied heavy and blended out.
BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed in Moonstone, Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin, & ColourPop Super Shock Cheek in Highlighters in Lunch Money.
Daylight & Flash swatches: BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed in Moonstone, Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin, & ColourPop Super Shock Cheek in Highlighters in Lunch Money, applied heavy.
Daylight & Flash swatches: BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed in Moonstone, Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin, &  ColourPop Super Shock Cheek in Highlighters in Lunch Money, heavy and blended out.
The BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed in Moonstone is paler and more of a satin finish compared to the Urban Decay Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin.

The ColourPop Super Shock Cheek in Highlighters in Lunch Money is paler and more yellow based compared to the Urban Decay Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Highlighter in Sin.

I really solid highlighter for those that are pale to fair skin toned!

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