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Monday, 6 February 2012

Dare to Compare: Beauty Blender v.s. Blending Sponge

New Beauty Blender, used Beauty Blender, Blending Sponge
I've personally enjoyed using the Beauty Blender for liquid and mineral makeup application that when I placed my order at Suit7Beauty I wanted to try the Blending Sponge thay sell at 1/4 of the price.
New Beauty Blender, Blending Sponge damp, used Beauty Blender damp

Product: Both are foam round egg like sponges the distribute your product/foundation nicely and evenly. Beauty Blender is really light weight and very porous. The Blending Sponge is a denser sponge with smaller pores.

Use:I really can't tell the difference in using these.
It take a little longer to clean the Blending Sponge because it denser.

Compare: The Blending Sponge is a lot more tear resistant and the colour doesn't bleed like the Beauty Blender the first time (way to much dye to get that pink shade.)

Verdict: Both do their job nicely and depending on how you buy these the Beauty Blender might be cheaper then the Blending Sponge. However at a $5 price point you can buy 4 Blending Sponge for the price of one Beauty Blender if you are shopping online. Also the Blending Sponge come in black and a lot of different shades now (Easter egg paste range). ^_^

FTC: This pot contains an affilate link.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the DTC and I may get this Blending Sponge to give it a try, ani_bee.
