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Friday, 4 March 2016

Wet n' Wild COLOR ICON BRONZER SPF 15 in 743A Reserve Your Cabana: Swatches & Review

Wet n' Wild COLOR ICON BRONZER SPF 15 in 743A Reserve Your Cabana
The Wet n' Wild COLOR ICON BRONZER SPF 15 retails for 3.99US and 4.99CAN at Walmart.
Wet n' Wild COLOR ICON BRONZER SPF 15 in 743A Reserve Your Cabana
Wet n' Wild COLOR ICON BRONZER SPF 15 in 743A Reserve Your Cabana
Wet n' Wild COLOR ICON BRONZER SPF 15 in 743A Reserve Your Cabana ingredients
Product & Colour
743A Reserve Your Cabana is a neutral beige gold with a satin/pearl finish. The shade doesn't read to frosty on the skin which makes it ideal for bronzer on fair skin but also a lowly glow/highlight for more skin tones. It also doesn't red orange which is a HUGE plus for fair like skin.

This actually looks nice on my fair skin to warm up my complexion and give me a sun kissed glow to where I would normally get burned, (across the bridge of the nose. ;) ). But also, on the parameter to warm up my complexion if I'm going for that look.... I don't mind my paleness.

10 hours before fading starts to be notable on bare skin.

Simple plastic compact with a clear lid.

Daylight swatches: 743A Reserve Your Cabana, applied heavy and buffed out.
Flash swatches: 743A Reserve Your Cabana, applied heavy and buffed out.
Depending on your skin tone this could read as a neutral highlighter for light and medium skin tones or a bronzer on fair skin like mine.

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