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Thursday, 29 September 2016

Urban Decay Naked2 Basics Palette: Swatches & Review

Urban Decay Naked2 Basics Palette in Skimp, Stark, Frisk, Cover, Primal, & Undone.
The Urban Decay Naked2 Basics Palette retails for $29US and $36CAN for 6 x 0.05 oz of product. Consider buying this as more versatile palette for the face as well. ;)

Urban Decay Naked2 Basics Palette
Urban Decay Naked2 Basics Palette
This palette contains 1 satin and 5 matte shades that are richly pigmented. They all blend beautifully together when working with these. The shade are all neutral to cooler tonne, for the most part, making this much more universal shadow palette for the crease. But really the crease only.

Skimp is a pale nude with a satin finish.
Stark is a nude peach with a matte finish.
Frisk is a light warm taupe with a matte finish.
Cover is a warm rosy brown with a matte finish.
Primal is a cool dusty brown with a matte finish.
Undone is a blackened cool brown with a matte finish.

Skimp, Stark, Frisk, Cover, Primal, & Undone.

Wear: I got about 6 hours wear on their own.

Packaging: A solid plastic compact with a satin finish and a larger mirror. Super light weight.

Daylight swatchesSkimp, Stark, Frisk, Cover, Primal, & Undone.
Flash swatchesSkimp, Stark, Frisk, Cover, Primal, & Undone.
Urban Decay Naked2 Basics Palette & Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette
Urban Decay Naked2 Basics Palette & Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette
Daylight swatches: Naked2(NB), Frisk(N2B), & Primal(N2B). Faint(NB), Cover(N2B), & Primal(N2B).
Flash swatchesNaked2(NB), Frisk(N2B), & Primal(N2B). Faint(NB), Cover(N2B), & Primal(N2B).
Naked2 is much warmer compared to Frisk which is more taupe and Primal which is more neutral.
Faint is a warmer deeper brown compared to Cover which is rosy and Primal which is more neutral.

This one runs pale to mid tonne in shades and I fee like the shades ar a tad too close to one another to make it more of a versatile palette. I know a lot of people love this one because the more tradition shades it has but it still read not pale enough for deep enough for those that are on the outside of the skin colour spectrum.

The only shade I found myself liking is Skimp but I feel like I should because to get a dupe for that one.

So I recommend this one for anyone that is not a pale as me or my deeper skin girls and boys out there would probably want to skin this one. ;)

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