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Thursday, 13 September 2012

OFRA Window Palette / Urban Decay 15th Anniversary Palette: Swatches & Review

OFRA Window Palette / Urban Decay 15th Anniversary Palette
I place a order with OFRA during a private listing sale for a few items including the baked palette. This OFRA Window Palette was a limited offer item promatoted at the NewYork IMATS and was sold for $10, during the sell it was $20US. The state that it came in is UPS's fault the shadows were just shooken up and slide along the palette.

OFRA is the making of the Urban Decay Naked Palettes and in this case these pans are from the 15th Anniversary Palette. I have a hunch they are either now completely making all the new shadow formulas (thus with this being the first product they lunched with the new formula). I think these are just extra pans once Urban Decay ran out of the packaging cases the decided to do a teaser sell on their overstock shadows. The bronzer, highlight and blush is a OFRA creation.

Daylight Swatch: Bronzer applied light and heavy, Highlight and Blush
Flash Swatch: Bronzer applied light and heavy, Highlight and Blush
Product & Colour
The bronzer is a nice pigmentation for fair to medium skin tones.

The gold highlighter is quite shimmer, think it make a great eyeshadow actually or a glow powder over a blush rather then a highlighter.

The Blush is a dust rose shade. it very sheer but should be fine for fair to light skin tones. 

Wear: 7 hours for sure on the face for all 3 products. The bronzer not for me being so warm.

Daylight Swatch: Midnight Rodeo, Midnight 15, Vanilla, Flow, Chase, MIA, & Deeper

Flash Swatch: Midnight Rodeo, Midnight 15, Vanilla, Flow, Chase, MIA, & Deeper 

Flash Swatch ligher: Midnight Rodeo, Midnight 15, Vanilla, Flow, Chase, MIA, & Deeper 

Daylight Swatch: Tianted, Junkshow, Omen, Half Truth, Ace, Deep End, Evidence, & Blackout

Flash Swatch: Tianted, Junkshow, Omen, Half Truth, Ace, Deep End, Evidence, & Blackout

Product & Colour: These are the Urban Decay 15th Anniversary Palette  eyeshadows for sure. I never got my hand on one but I used a friends and tested it out in store (the tester was their the palette was sold out. lol). They are all beautiful shades that are starting to get re-promoted in other UD palettes. I just have to say these are like butter to work with and true to pan colour!

Wear: 6 hours without primer before fading but with primer your looking at 16 hours for sure.

OFRA Window Palette reorder to the Urban Decay 15th Anniversary Palette layout, So mush extra packing!
FreeStyle Palette
This megnetic window palette is finish is black card stock so don't get it damp at all (let alone wet)! The seem are also left hanging off the edge of the frame. The magnet is fine, a little weeker then the current Z Palettes.

For $20 from the original $66CAN for the Urban Decay 15th Anniversary Palette this was a steel. OFRA may yet put out another buzy sell with leftover eyedhows from plattes so I'd keep that in mind. The only "Dud" was the blush, it's usable but not for medium plus skin tones.

It's a shame it was a limited run but then again Urban Decay needs to make money. lol

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