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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Graftobean Hi Def Glamour Creme & Mehron Celebré Pro HD Make-Up: Swatches & Review

Graftobian Hi Def Glamour Creme in Ingenue, Graceful Swan, Ivory & Mehron Celebré Pro HD Make-Up in Eurasia Ivory
Again with the long foundations names! ;)
I in general prefer full coverage foundation, so with these two know formulated in a expanded shades with Graftobian Hi Def Glamour Creme having a whopping 50 skin tones and Mehron Celebré Pro HD Make-Up having 32 skin tones (40 shades in total) chances are you will be able to find something that works for you.

Flash swatch: Eurasia Ivory, Ivory, Graceful Swan, & Ingenue
Flash swatch: Eurasia Ivory, Ivory, Graceful Swan, & Ingenue
Both Graftobian Hi Def Glamour Creme ($14.99US per 0.5 oz. Dish) & Mehron Celebré Pro HD Make-Up ($12.99US per 0.9 oz (25 gm). Dish ) are matte finish, build-able coverage that can even mask my out my freckles if dona a bit thicker.

I used a beauty blender too smooth out and blend the two shades for the colour I need on my skin.

The only difference between the Graftobian Hi Def Glamour Creme and Mehron Celebré Pro HD Make-Up is I found the Mehron Celebré slightly drier which I likes. Both products need to be set with a powder. :)

Mehron Celebré Fair shades all red pink/peach tone which is sad to me because I'm fairly warm tone. I has also ordered LT1 & LT2 not swathed as I sold them off again seeing them in person confirm how pink they were. My shade was a touch lighter then LT2.

Wear: I got 16 hour in this during the summer heat and humidity with setting powder. Both worked the same.

Packaging: A simple screw on lid jars, nothing fancy for both.
Wearing the Graceful Swan and a bit of Ivory built to medium/full coverage but not caked. My face looks dewy not from oil but my own body heat. My You can see a bit of my natural freckles and redness pecking through on my checks and chin. I used Eve Pearl primer underneath with this photo. Photo taken by Convoke Photography.
I do like both the Graftobian Hi Def Glamour Creme and Mehron Celebré Pro HD Make-Up foundation for the use on all skin types. The Mehron one just seem nicer to when working with it because of it's slightly drier consistency for a creme. I've recently ordered the Light Olive as it was hard to find retailer for it as that range is part of the Pro-Performance speciality shades but the formulation is the same, that range of 20 has Olive, Bisque, Beige, Tan and Pink foundation shades along with Flush/blush tones and corpse shades.

Graftobian Hi Def Glamour Creme dose not have a olive line of tones yet so if you olive skin the Warm range is the closest and use a cool tone powder too set you foundation will make them look more olive.

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